If you have old credit card debt that you never paid and it is a large amount then it is possible that at a later time you may get a summons to appear in court. It is possible to get sued when you have not paid a certain bill but you can take steps that will help you to avoid finding yourself in a courtroom.
First you always want to negotiate any old credit card debt that you have because this debt gets bought up by other companies. These companies will try any means necessary to collect the debt from you. In many cases these companies will be willing to settle the old debt for a fraction of its original amount. You have to remember that they have bought the debt for pennies on the dollar and anything they can recover is profit for them.
It is easy to ignore the debt when you do not have the money to pay for it. It is possible that this old debt will come back to haunt you until the statue of limitations runs out.
Mika: there is always pressure
12 years ago
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