My good friend Jay niblick, Innermentrix International's founder, recently completed a study called brilliant project. His latest book his study, what became the basis for your genius? Genius project results are incredibly interesting. Before I share with you the results, let me explain what the talented project was all about.
Genius project grew out of a desire to better understand two things:
1. The problem with many of his clients was looking where he was disappointed and was the cause of under-performing.
2. What "problem" calls for people affected were the real implications
Brilliant project and twenty-three countries in seven years, including hundreds of thousands of individuals spread. Everyone's a scientist to confirm its potential in a wide variety of measuring instruments were relevant to the individual performance characteristics. These features natural talent that people think and make decisions based on how they were going to pass. The device has been rigorously validated the science behind was more than fifty years has proven in commercial use. To study the levels of non-successful people against the most successful people than the level of natural talent was. We hope to see if we find out what difference, if any is found, maybe that could answer our questions could be.
One reason the property index for the study, an assessment based on the science of axiology, was chosen because it measures natural talent for thinking and decision making. As such, these natural talent too much hard-wired, meaning that they are set permanently or are fixed. In other words, they operate the way our mind is the result of neural network, and as such they do not change much over the course of our lives. As a result he was very interested in knowing if these characteristics (talent) to be of any great performance to achieve greater levels were added. The permanent nature of his natural talent as he refers to them (as a learned or acquired talent, which I will cover in my next post contrast) is due. He chose these attributes his company's experience with them, which is important when you consider what these data are or are not trying to say that you had lots of. Which was important if he was going - and finally, that these features work together because we already have experience and understanding of the world with the correct administration and interpretation of results as well as around the need 75 PhDs and 900 certified professional consultants and coaches were selected to be able to collect good data.
After researching the basic principles of all good scientific method. Those steps are:
1. Ask a question
2. Background to research
3. Build a hypothesis
4. One using your test Hypothesis
5. Analyze your data and draw a conclusion
6. Communicate Your Results
1. The question he asked, "Why do some people succeed while others often with very little effort, the same amount of effort put into the same abilities and intelligence and is very present in the environment seems to succeed not fail the same degree .
2. He has conducted preliminary research background that we as we could about this question with as many people began talking. The people who were interviewed were not satisfied with your level of success. He spoke to industrial and organizational psychologists, personal development leaders, academics, experts and thought. He did consulting work, he already was using property indices actually measure individual thinking and decision making styles result of it the profiles to see if any trends popped out start monitoring
3. The hypothesis was developed, "based on observation and anecdotal evidence, more self-aware one is of his natural talent, they more they work, they are more successful in incorporating this knowledge." In other words, true to his natural talent was for someone - the more successful they were
4. He used to prove or refute this hypothesis was that brilliant project itself over the world, about 300,000 people profiled and compared with their level of performance statistics to see your score correlations showed the heart of what has become. Knowing that if any talent, or talent set that was only the most successful people have had an interest in high amounts.
5. Hisr all of the data analysis (at about 24 million bits) have revealed some key findings that I will appear in future posts ..
What is a genius?
To be able to compare statistical differences between the most and least able to
People, we need to separate them into categories of performance. We start with
Fairly universal set of four levels of performance:
Below average - 1 level
* Level 2 - Average
* Level 3 - Above Average
Level 4 - Excellent
Very quickly, however, as they started interviewing people to see the best artists, he probably still need to look for another level of performance began. They were the absolute best performance artists were experimenting with the four levels we knew were describing having trouble. Interviewees were telling him that these people were better than excellent. No doubt you've seen it myself. Who they are so damn good at that they are better think of "excellent." Word message is just how good these guys are really at, and you give them strong statement would aneven.
"The ability to put into effect wise your mind is"
F. Scott Fitzgerald ~
Once again, as he interviewed people, they perform the most common term used to describe the level of "genius" was. He says, "John is great to see such a picture, he's a genius" or, "I have an absolute genius when it comes to understanding the customer's problem." When we heard this "better than excellent" so, we have excellent performance up a level decided to add.
The performance level has become the 5th because we have heard many times the word genius, the show has become the nickname for the new level.
Modified the became rankings:
* Level 1 - below average
* Level 2 - Average
Above average - * Level 3
Level 4 - Excellent
* Level 5 - Talent
Finally, because some people perform to achieve the 5th level, and they do the potential to become a brilliant interpretation was searching for, it just made sense to call the whole thing brilliant project .
He says the genius, the way, we are not referring to a person's intelligence. Our use of the word genius is wise to how a person and everything to do with how well they perform has nothing to do directly with. Our use of talent of a person's ability to perform their facts or information (more classical definition of talent) is not the ability to acquire, describe.
Performance to the highest level of ability a natural and happy: his definition of a genius. Natural part of the definition is the fact that these capabilities are driven by their natural talent comes from, and happy thing to be true to his natural talent than the rest, not only more but also more productive (both of which comes from a more joyful).
My next few articles you talented project findings, the results mean for you and your talent can get you to use the findings will provide you with the how.
Mr. Timothy A. McGinty is co-author published the highly regarded Wake Up ... Live Life Love ® series. The series Tony Robbins, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Brian Tracy, Steven E and Lee Beard as a collaborative effort with inspiring leaders.
Mr. McGinty also of "our joyful life", a book which takes the reader by the hand and get them to your "happy life and action plan to define a process walks you through the author.
Imagine yourself ... Enabling customers to achieve their success in a "success" focus on the organization. Mr. McGinty has helped many organizations and individuals their passion, life balance they want to get the balance discover developing strategies to define, and be held accountable for reaching your goals. Their clients so successful that Mr. McGinty "turning boys are known as
Mika: there is always pressure
12 years ago